Believe + Attitude=What you achieve

The title does look like a math formula. It is the summary of Carol Dweck's book - Mindset: The new psychology of success in simple words. This book was published in 2006. It was recommended by one of the nerds I admire.

According to the book, the entire world fall into - fixed mindset or growth mindset.

In a fixed mindset, you have a talent in something and that cannot be changed. Growth mindset believes that anyone can be intelligent, smart and achieve anything by effort and attitude. The book depicts the roadblocks hit by a fixed mindset and how it becomes fatal in their life.  The book touches different areas like sports,  work & business, relationship and parenting. The book ends with a workshop to encourage the reader to get into growth mindset. 

Analyzing my own life, I feel like there are somethings I do with fixed mindset while rest being in growth mindset. I would definitely recommend this as a must read.

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