Reinvent Yourself

We grow up every minute, every dat, every year. We learn new things, repeat some things, get more wiser.  Everyone loves to look ahead and move forward. It is also vital to take lessons from our life and reinvent yourself. New goals, resolutions can be made any minute any second. You don't have to wait for the new season, your birthday, new year to do that. There are lot of ways to get motivated and inspired. The basics are the same across. Dedication, Determination brings Motivation. You drive your life. You always have a choice.

To an employee, Do want you love. To be more specific love your work and not your company. This is what gets you motivated to strive the failures. For those aspiring to be a CEO or be a top surgeon have small dreams that a person who is jobless and believes he can change the world. A service that pushes to a better life is always remembered than a person who holds a big office.

Example: Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple by the new CEO. Since he loved what he did that he started up NEXT and Pixar. The list includes Michael Jordan, The Beatles, Albert Eistein, Jerry Seinfeld, J K Rowling.
I begin here with a short note, new thoughts to follow.

Renaming hybridtheorem to zealtheory

I have been thinking about a change for a while. Here I start with the name. I have renamed my blog from to

Oracle 11g: Re-organizing Partitioned and Subpartitioned tables using MOVE command

Recently, I happen to delete 20% of 50 million rows from a table. The queries were performing bad. As you guessed it is the because of the fragmentation. We can re-org the table in different ways in Oracle. Here I describe about how to reorg using the simple ALTER TABLE ... MOVE command.

1) In the case of non-partitioned whole table:

Alter table VAICHE.FULL_TABL move;

2) When the table is partitioned table:

Alter table VAICHE.PART_TABL move partition ;

You can get partition name from all_tab_partitions.

3) When the table is sub partitioned:

Alter table VAICHE.SUBPART_TBL move subpartition ;

You can get names of subpartition from all_tab_subpartitions.

When a table is subpartitioned, you cannot do (1) and (2). You will get error like the below:

alter table VAICHE.PART_TABL move partition xyz;;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14257: cannot move partition other than a Range, List, System, or Hash

For a subpartition table reorg, you have to move only the subpartitions. Other steps that need to be performed with reorg are
1) Rebuild Indexes
2) Gather Statistics.

R12: Concurrent Program Error shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory

We faced an issue recently when we migrated our HP superdome to a new one. The concurrent program error out with the following:

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.Error: Properties init: Could not determine current working directory.

Solution: I didn't get a lot of hits on this error with respect to Oracle E-Business Suite. Once forum mentioned of running autoconfig. The root cause was unknown.

I stopped the concurrent managers and ran autoconfig on the concurrent manager server node. (It is always good to run autoconfig on a web tier after executing on concurrent manager). After starting the managers, the program was executed and it completed successfully.

Recent Quotes..

“Only a mediocre person is always at his best. ”— Somerset Maugham

"I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job.. Because, he will find an easy way to do it." - Bill Gates

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" -Albert Einstein

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - Abraham Lincoln

Rich People Think Differently - 21 Ways

Based on "How Rich People Think" by Steve Siebold, article from Business Insider by Mandi Woodruff.

According to the author, it is all about how rich people think and their mentality rather than money. Recently the australian billionaire Gina Rinehart resulted a firestorm on a similar discussion.

  1. Average people  (AP) think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people (RP) believe POVERTY is the root cause. AP have been brainwashed to believe RP are lucky or dishonest.
  2. AP think selfishness is a vice. RP think selfishness is a virtue. Reality is if you are not taking care of you, you are not in a position to help anyone else.
  3.  AP have a lottery mentality. RP have an action mentality. While the masses are waiting to pick the right numbers and praying for prosperity, the great ones are solving problems.
  4. AP think the road to riches is paved with formal education. RP believe in acquiring specific knowledge.
  5. AP long for the good old days. RP dream of the future. People who believe their best days are behind them rarely get rich, and often struggle with unhappiness and depression.
  6. AP see money through emotion. RP think about money logically. An ordinarily smart, well-educated and otherwise successful person can be instantly transformed into a fear-based, scarcity driven thinker whose greatest financial aspiration is to retire comfortably. The great ones know money is a critical tool that presents options and opportunities.
  7. AP earn money by doing things they don't love. RP follow their passion.
  8. AP set low expectations so they're never disappointed. RP are up for the challenge.
  9. AP believe you have to DO something to get rich. RP believe you have to BE something to get rich. While the masses are fixated on the doing and the immediate results of their actions, the great ones are learning and growing from every experiences, whether success or failure, knowing their true reward is becoming a human success machine that eventually produces outstanding results.
  10. AP believe you need money to make money. RP use other people's money. RP know not being solvent enough to personally afford something is not relevant. The real qn is 'Is this worth buying, investing in, or pursuing ?'
  11. AP believe markets are driven by logic and strategy. RP know they're driven by emotion and greed. Investing successfully in the stock market isn't just about a fancy math formula. The rich know that the primary emotions that drive financial markets are fear and greed, and they factor this into all trades and trends they observe. This knowledge of human nature and its overlapping impact on trading give them strategic advantage in building greater wealth through leverage.
  12. AP live beyond their means. RP live below theirs. Here is how to live below your means and tap into the secret wealthy people have used for centuries - Ger rich so you can afford to. The rich live below their means, not because they're so savy, but because they make so much money that they can afford to live like royalty while still having a king's ransom socked away for the future.
  13. AP teach their children how to survive. RP teach their kids how to get rich. RP teach their kids from an early age about the world of "haves" and "have-nots". People say parents are teaching their kids to look down on the masses because they're poor. This isn't true. What they're teaching their kids is to see the world through the eyes of objective reality -the way society really is.
  14. AP let money stress them out. RP find peace of mind in wealth. The middle class sees money as a never-ending necessary evil that must be endured as part of life. The world class sees it as the liberator, and with enough of it, they are able to purchase financial peace of mind.
  15. AP would rather be entertained than educated. RP would rather be educated than entertained. Rich don't put much stock in furthering wealth through formal education, they appreciate the power of learning long after college is over.
  16. AP think RP are snobs. RP just want to surround themselves with like-minded people. Labeling the RP as snobs is another way the middle class finds to feel better about themselves and their chosen path of mediocrity.
  17. AP focus on saving. RP focus on earning.
  18. AP play it safe with money. RP know when to take risks. Leverage is the watchword of the rich. Every investor loses money on occasion, but the world class knows no matter what happens, they will always be able to earn more.
  19. AP love to be comfortable. RP find comfort in uncertainty. World class thinkers learn early on that becoming millionaire isn't easy and the need for comfort can be devastating. They learn to be comfortable while operating in  a state of ongoing uncertainty. For the most part, it takes guts to take the risks necessary to make it as a millionaire - a challenge.
  20. AP never make the connection between money and health. RP know money can save their life. RP pay a substantial yearly membership free for 'boutique medical care' that guarantees them 24-hr access to private physician who only serves a small group of members.
  21. AP believe they must choose between a great family and being rich. RP know you can have it all. The idea the wealth must come at the expense of family time is nothing but a 'cop-out'. The masses have been brainwashed to believe it's an either/or equation. The rich know you can anything you want if you approach the challenge with a mindset rooted in love and abundance.
AP- Average People
RP- Rich People

Common Investment Strategy

It is almost rare and impossible for a person to be a stock market winner by just feel or gut. It requires heavy discipline and patience to be a good investor. You need to develop your own investment style or strategy at the same time be adaptable.

Like each and every human is different by looks, thoughts and character so is the investment decisions that each person follow. Define your strategy by empowering your strengths and eliminating weakness. Make sure what method you follow, keep it simple.

Analysis Strategy

This is for people who love numbers, charts, graphs. This primarily focuses on details analysis of company accounts.

Value Investing

It is as simple as buy the stock when it is cheap and then sell shares once it becomes expensive.

Focus Investing

This group of investors focus on a particular sector of the business that they know well. Research an area in depth to win over others in the market.

Top-Down Investing

Identify a business which you think will benefit with the trend. Pick the best companies of that sector. In 2012, One of the most prominent business structure is consumer electronics - Tablet, Mobile Phone. The key trend is mobility and you have a huge list of different products in market.

Warning: You need to perform trial and error to understand which strategy works for you. You shouldnt follow what your friend follows. There is nothing right or wrong here. I should also mention about the strategy that is not favored. This strategy involves following the price banners on television, volume of stocks traded to decide the future of the company and your investment. Also do not bring emotions to this subject area, you shouldn't invest in a company who is the best employer, or whose products or advertisement you like. Rather invest in a company understanding company's goal and brings home profit.

Buffetology: Warren Buffet Quotes

I came across Warren Buffet's interesting quotes and thought to make a note. The quotes are related to investment. A novice can learn a lot from this.

On Earning :
Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source.

On Spending:
If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.

On Savings:
So not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after spending.

On Taking Risk:
Never test the depth of river with both the feet .

On Investment:
Do not put all eggs in one basket.

On Expectations:
Honesty is very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.

Courtesy: Google

Boston Celtics 2012: NBA BIG Commercial

NBA released bunch of Playoff classified for 2011-2012. One of the best I have seen with content, background music and shots were that of Boston Celtics. Here you go:

"You’ve probably forgotten all about them by now. Nothing left in the tank, nothing left to prove, too slow, too injury prone, too much mileage. Hmm…

You better hope you’re right, because HERE THEY COME and what some call age, they call experience, grit, toughness, leadership, moxie, savvy, passion, desire, heart and these guys are at their best when the stakes get BIG"

The team did perform against the analysis from different commentators. Basketball fans ignored the team because of the reasons mentioned in the bill. The BIG Three - Kevin Garnett (KG), Paul Pierce, Ray Allen are considered to be aged. With Rondo, Boston is a BIG Four team. Not to forget the bench contributed to the team's road to the Eastern Conference Finals.

Apple iOS 6, Mountain Lion and Today Microsoft Surface

Last week in WWDC Apple announced about the upcoming iOS6 for its mobile, iPad and iPod touch with bunch of new features. With this release, Apple is bringing its own Maps app and biding good bye to Google Maps. It has also enhanced Siri, added Facebook integration, Passbook (which is similar to the notification center). This is targeted to be released this fall. 

Apple also introduced a newly redesigned Macbook Pro with retina display and improved computing power, storage. Apple have maintained the strategy of making computer thinner and lighter.

Apple also shared details about its new Desktop/Laptop OS - Mountain Lion. With Mountain Lion, Apple is trying to integrate much more features of iOS with the Mac. iMessages, iCloud, Notes, Notification Center, Reminders and some to name.

Microsoft borrowed Apple's method of announcing new products yesterday to announce its entry into the hardware-software integrated tablet business. Microsoft Tablet is named - Surface and comes in two versions. The price and availability is still unknown but is anticipated as a good contender against the dominated iPad.

Oracle: Query column name with reserved keyword from a table

I happen to see a table(say X) created with column name using key words like NUMBER, GROUP . I could query the table X for all columns as

Select * from X;

To query one or two particular columns named as keywords, you need to use double quotes.

Select "NUMBER" from X;

Make note of the 'case'  as Select "number" from X; won't work.

Where table creation script is:

Create table X
( "NUMBER" varchar2(90),
   Creation_date date,

Oracle: Memory Parameters Math

It is always challenging for Oracle Administrator to define Oracle Memory Parameters. Recently while creating new database with Oracle 11g ( using DBCA, I noticed the values DBCA assigns to the following memory parameters.

Total Memory: 1024 M (or 1 GB)
Shared Pool - 160 M
Buffer Cache- 482 M
Java Pool - 48 M
Large Pool - 76M
PGA - 256 M

These value can help Oracle DBA to multiply or divide to get accurate numbers. I chose 'custom database' option with 8K block size in DBCA.

Oracle: Change the SQL Prompt with Glogin.sql

DBAs usually work with so many servers, databases at the same time. They toggle from one screen to another within few seconds. There are a lot hidden opportunities where you can make mistakes. Being a superuser  brings in more responsibilities and adds up cautions.

Following are some best practices to ensure you are on right database before you do any critical task like shutdown or drop is very relevant :

  1. Login as SYSDBA only when required, otherwise create a database user and grant DBA role.
  2. Use shell script to perform task like shutdown, startup of databases.
  3. Change the color of putty sessions for example Red for Production, Blue for QA, Yellow for Test.
  4. SQL Prompt: Change the SQL prompt on the database to show the Database Name/SID with user whom you have connected as. Oracle by default calls login.sql or glogin.sql whenever 'sqlplus' command is given on a UNIX machine. The script login.sql or glogin.sql is located in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin. You can add a line to query from v$instance table something like below:
select host_name||':'||user||' @ '||UPPER(instance_name) X from v$instance;

The problem with the above SQL in login.sql is that SQLPLUS will hang if the database is down. When database is down, you cannot query any v$ views. The other way which does the same but safe way is by the command below:

The SQL prompt will be SYSTEM@TESTDB SQL> .