Environment Information:
Two nodes - 1 DB and 1 Application
OS: Linux x86-64
Application Version: R12.2.3 with AD and TXK Delta 7
DB: (I will be upgrading this to 12c soon)
Issue: After applying the latest AD and TXK patches, while performing the cleanup, I ran into issues with adop.
1. Login to the database as APPS schema.
2. Check the table TXK_TCC_RESULTS and verify that the information is same as FND_NODES.
4. Create a backup table
5. Truncate the APPLSYS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS table:
6. Download the ETCC Patch - 17537119.
7.unzip the patch, run the following in Database Node
8. Now check the APPLSYS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS again
9. Also verify the v$parameter for "_system_trig_enabled",
Error Occurred Performing Database Validations Applying Patch 19330775 (Doc ID 1993838.1)
12.2 Adop Cleanup Fails with Error "ETCC not run in the Database Node" After Running ETCC on the Database Node (Doc ID 2117174.1)
Two nodes - 1 DB and 1 Application
OS: Linux x86-64
Application Version: R12.2.3 with AD and TXK Delta 7
DB: (I will be upgrading this to 12c soon)
Issue: After applying the latest AD and TXK patches, while performing the cleanup, I ran into issues with adop.
$ adop phase=cleanup
Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:
Validating system setup.
Node registry is valid.
[ERROR] ETCC not run in the database node wmsqadb
The EBS Technology Codelevel Checker needs to be run on the database node.
It is available as Patch 17537119.
Encountered the above errors when performing database validations.
Resolve the above errors and restart adop.
[STATEMENT] Please run adopscanlog utility, using the command
"adopscanlog -latest=yes"
to get the list of the log files along with snippet of the error message corresponding to each log file.
adop exiting with status = 1 (Fail)
1. Login to the database as APPS schema.
2. Check the table TXK_TCC_RESULTS and verify that the information is same as FND_NODES.
select * from FND_NODES;
3. If the value in APPLSYS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS are not the same (for example: either Production database name after clone), perform the following steps:4. Create a backup table
create table APPS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS_backup as select * from APPLSYS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS;
5. Truncate the APPLSYS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS table:
6. Download the ETCC Patch - 17537119.
7.unzip the patch, run the following in Database Node
sh checkDBpatch.sh
It will prompt for database(RDBMS) context file.8. Now check the APPLSYS.TXK_TCC_RESULTS again
If the information in the table is correct, proceed with adop phase.9. Also verify the v$parameter for "_system_trig_enabled",
SQL>select value from v$parameter where name='_system_trig_enabled';
Note: Since the RDBMS version was, I had to download previous version of the ETCC patch.
Error Occurred Performing Database Validations Applying Patch 19330775 (Doc ID 1993838.1)
12.2 Adop Cleanup Fails with Error "ETCC not run in the Database Node" After Running ETCC on the Database Node (Doc ID 2117174.1)
ReplyDeleteMismatch in host name between FND_NODES and TXK_TCC_RESULTS tables.
UPDATE applsys.txk_tcc_results SET node_name ='';