R12: SQL Script to collect concurrent request IDs, timings, logs for MRP and Data Collection

I use the below SQL when I have the parent request id for MRP or Data collection program. The sql can be used with any program that triggers child requests.

MRP is usually executed in Oracle E-Business Suite OLTP instance where as Data Collection are kicked off from PLAN instance.

Note: You must know the parent request ID.

set verify off
set heading on
spool requests.out
Accept input_request_id Prompt 'Enter the parent request id : '
column conc_prg_name format A37
column req_id format 99999999
column start_time format A12
column end_time format A12
column trace_id format a8

select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(x fcr fcp fcptl)*/
fcr.request_id req_id,
--fcptl.user_concurrent_program_name cprg_name,
decode (fcr.description,null, fcptl.user_concurrent_program_name,
fcr.description || ' (' || fcptl.user_concurrent_program_name || ')') conc_prg_name,
flp.meaning "Phase",--fcr.phase_code,
fls.meaning  "Status", -- fcr.status_code
to_char(fcr.actual_start_date,'dd-mon HH24:MI') start_time,
to_char(fcr.actual_completion_date, 'dd-mon HH24:MI') end_time,
round((fcr.actual_completion_date-fcr.actual_start_date)*24*60,0) "Time Taken(In Min)",
fcr.oracle_process_id trace_id
from (select /*+ index (fcr1 FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_N3) */
from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1
where 1=1
start with fcr1.request_id = &input_request_id
connect by prior fcr1.request_id = fcr1.parent_request_id) x,
fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcptl,
fnd_lookups flp,
fnd_lookups fls
where fcr.request_id = x.request_id
and fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
and fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
and fcp.application_id = fcptl.application_id
and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcptl.concurrent_program_id
and fcptl.language = 'US'
and fcr.phase_code = flp.lookup_code
and fcr.status_code = fls.lookup_code
and flp.lookup_type = 'CP_PHASE_CODE'
and fls.lookup_type = 'CP_STATUS_CODE'
order by 1;

prompt END OF FILE
spool off
set verify on

Script for Getting Correct Request IDs and their Corresponding Logs for Plan and Collection Run (Doc ID 262276.1)

R12: adconfig.log - jtfictx.sh INSTE8_PRF 1 - ORA-29874: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine - DRG-10595: ALTER INDEX JTF_AMV_ITEMS_URL_CTX failed

Oracle E-Business Suite: R12.1.2 on Linux 32, Concurremt Manager on Linux 64 bit
Oracle Database: on HP UX Itanium

The autoconfig executed during the clone of test instance failed for the following error:

jtfictx.sh started at Sun Sep  8 01:51:08 CDT 2013

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Sep 8 01:51:09 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter value for 1: Enter value for 2: Enter value for 3: Connected.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29874: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine
ORA-29960: line 1,
DRG-11422: linguistic initialization failed
DRG-11446: supplied knowledge base file
/u01/app/oracle/erp/11.2.0/ctx/data/enlx/droldUS.dat not installed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1199
ORA-06512: at line 96

Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
jtfictx.sh exiting with status 1
.end std out.

.end err out.


I tried all the below metalink notes and wasn't successful.

1. "Jtfictx.sh" Failed During Autoconfig On Application Tier, ORA-29874, DRG-10595 (Doc ID 1271186.1)
2. Autoconfig Failed On Apps Tier "jtfictx.sh INSTE8_PRF" . Running manually "jtfictx.sh " Failed on "DRG-10758: index owner does not have the privilege" (Doc ID 1357760.1)
3. Autoconfig Completed With Error 'Jtfictx.sh Inste8_prf 1' (Doc ID 372363.1)
4. Autoconfig is Failing With "DRG-10561: Index Jtf_amv_items_url_ctx Is Not Valid For Requested" Error (Doc ID 1334405.1)
5. Several Scripts Failing With A ORA-29855 Executing ODCIINDEXCREATE Routine During Upgrade To 12.1.1 (u6678700.drv) (Doc ID 1286033.1)
6. Creating a Text Index Fails with DRG-00100 [51021],[drwaf.c],[1615] (Doc ID 1576539.1)


The culprit for the issue is the CTXSTS.DEFAULT_LEXER. INDEX_THEMES attribute was made YES.

1) Login to the database as ctxsys and run
exec ctx_ddl.set_attribute('DEFAULT_LEXER','INDEX_THEMES','no');
2) Now drop and rebuild the indexes as following:
$ cd $JTF_TOP/patch/115/sql/
$ sqlplus apps/apps @jtfiimt.sql JTF JTF NULL NULL

Note:  The "jtfiaibu.sql" script is used to drop and recreate the "JTF_AMV_ITEMS_URL_CTX" Intermedia Text index.

$ cd $JTF_TOP/patch/115/sql/
$ sqlplus apps/apps @jtfiaibu.sql JTF JTF APPS

Oracle Text may not include Theme Functionality after Installation (Doc ID 262701.1)
Missing Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Base after Database 11g Installation (Doc ID 557239.1)
"Jtfictx.sh" Failed During Autoconfig On Application Tier, ORA-29874, DRG-10595 (Doc ID 1271186.1)

WebCenter Content (WCC): intradoc.common.ServiceException: component "Attributes" is missing "version"

WebCenter Content - WCC (previously called as Universal Content Management - UCM  or Enterprise Content Management - ECM) Version :

Issue: After enabling the Digital Asset Manager in the Component Wizard and restarting the managed servers resulted in WCC page to return error. The WCC login page resulted in  "Error 404 Not Found".

After reviewing the UCM_server1-diagnostic.log  and UCM_server1.log ($DOMAIN_HOME/ucm_domain/servers/UCM_server1/logs), I noticed the following error:

[APP: Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server] general exception[[
        at intradoc.server.ComponentLoader.load(ComponentLoader.java:443)
        at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.initComponentData(IdcSystemLoader.java:497)
        at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.finishInit(IdcSystemLoader.java:366)
        at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.init(IdcSystemLoader.java:335)
        at intradoc.server.IdcServerManager.init(IdcServerManager.java:120)
        at intradoc.idcwls.IdcServletRequestUtils.initializeServer(IdcServletRequestUtils.java:626)
Caused by: intradoc.common.ServiceException: component "Attributes" is missing "version"
        at intradoc.tools.build.ComponentPackager.stampVersion(ComponentPackager.java:268)
        at intradoc.server.ComponentLoader.load(ComponentLoader.java:423)
        at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.initComponentData(IdcSystemLoader.java:498)
        at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.finishInit(IdcSystemLoader.java:367)
        at intradoc.server.IdcSystemLoader.init(IdcSystemLoader.java:335)
        at intradoc.server.IdcServerManager.init(IdcServerManager.java:121)


1. Noticed the "Attributes" component were not enabled in Component Wizard, so I enabled it and bounce the managed services. Still I noticed the error and page didn't show up.

2. I followed the metalink referenced below, added the following line to $DOMAIN_HOME/ucm_domain/ucm/cs/custom/Attributes/Attributes.hda and bounced the  Managed Services.

version=2011_11_09(build 1)

WCC Startup Shows Error: intradoc.common.ServiceException: component is missing "version" (Doc ID 1459138.1)

Oracle Database : NLS_LANG and National Character Set

NLS_LANG environment variable indicate the Oracle language and the character set.
The normal values are NLS_LANG=language_territory.characterset

To check the value of NLS_LANG for an existing database:
1. If the environment vairable is set do echo $NLS_LANG
2. Query v$nls_parameters

select decode(parameter, 'NLS_CHARACTERSET', 'CHARACTER SET',
value from v$nls_parameters

Example output is:

NAME          VALUE
------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

To find out the National Character Set:

select value
where parameter = 'NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET';

Example output:

The National Character Set ( NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET ) in Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g [ID 276914.1]