Apple Inc. isn't the Steve Job's Apple anymore. Ever since Tim Cook took the drivers seat for Apple Inc., many changes were made in the organization with respect to logistics, leadership, design and other areas. Many key employees had left or jumbled around with responsibilities. New process are in place but what about innovation ? There is a steady decline. Personally I feel Apple senior management are acting to keep up the share prices and interests of the investors. This is the same mistake many leaders do who takeover a creative genius.
Apple did made bigger screen iPhone which is great. Now there are rumors about cheaper iPhone, Macbook production to be moved to U.S, new colors to iPhone. Did anyone notice how cluttered iTunes are? This isnt innovation. Apple is making effort to be in profit not by understanding the customer but for the interest of the share holders. Building cheaper iPhone is one example for that. I do see the vision for Apple to enter the emerging markets in Asia and South America. But this also takes up innovative brains from building new things rather same thing in different and cheaper hardware. Are these employees doing what they love?
Apple is forgetting the basics of what makes it distinct - Simplicity. The iTunes software is so complex and so hard to use. Before the current release, any human from 8 year old to 80 year old could easily navigate around the application. The new release did bring more information to the page but lost the harmony. Honestly ever since the new upgrade I have bought less stuff on iTunes. I hardly even open iTunes on my macbook.
More colors to iPhone would be an enhancement to launch but it isn't a feature. This reminds me of General Motors and Apple before Steve Jobs returned in 1997. General Motors had so many subsidiary companies that it affected the quality and standards. Apple too had so many Macbook and Mac configurations that customers got confused which product will suit their needs. More line of products in the same category would simply turn the people away.
Macbook production to U.S is good promise for bringing jobs to the country. It does will bring smile to heart of government and people to see 'Designed and Made in USA'. The big cons here are the price. The price of the Macbook would go up that fewer people would feel comfortable owning it. Where will it lead to? Loss. Loss of market share, Loss of revenue, operating income and so on.
I want to go back to earlier question, Where is the Innovation ? People loved Apple Inc for the fascinating products not because of the color, where it was made. Stop doing trash and focus on blending art and technology. Do what you love - creativity and simplicity. We don't want Apple to organize 5 events every year rather steal the show with 1 event with amazing product.